Friday, May 2, 2008

Younger son’s wedding in Corpus Christi and two weeks with son Richard and family in California kept me ‘off-Island’ for seven weeks. Ben was there for the wedding week, and he is planning our vacation together in New Zealand as I write this in March. The wedding was a wonderful family gathering for the Helmers, and a welcome for and by Diane's family and friends. Thank you.

This month’s highlight is son Steve’s graduation from Advanced Flight School. Jane was there as he landed from the last training flight; after the ice-water (which he said he needed!), an instructor stuck his ‘soft wings’ badge on Steve’s flight suit. How did this happen before Velcro?
The official Winging ceremony was the following week. Steve and Diane are now at home in Virginia Beach.
Jane returned to Guam mid-February, for six weeks of warmth and Guam-style activity.

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