Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Yes, we've known for some time now that we would be going to Guam for 18 months beginning in June of 2007. What we didn't know was it would be unlike any moving experience we've ever had. Going to a new climate (tropical) and a different culture (American with an Asian view, CNN comes from Hong Kong, for example) demands some new thinking. Add to that limited amounts of our stuff we can take, not knowing where we'll be living, getting our house ready for Ted and Joan who will live here while we're gone, and you have a crazy mix. Oh, we decided to have vinly siding put on before we leave (photo), just to add a little variety to our dull existence!

Two weeks from today we will fly from Houston to Honolulu for a couple fo days R and R, then on Thursday, June 8 we'll fly from HNL to Guam, arriving 8 hours plus one day later, "Where America's Day Begins". The BLOG will be our way of keeping family and friends informed of where we are and what's going on. We hope you'll check in now and then. We promise some pictures and anecdotes from life on Guam.


Ben and Jane


R said...

The siding progresses. . .as does our love for you!

Great look and can't wait to see the posts!


Richard, Hiroko, and Daniel

Alan Lindal said...

What an adventure! You will be close to our hearts. Is this what retirement looks like?

We will look forward to all the news in the future.


Alan+ and Annette Lindal

JC said...

What a wonderful way to stay in touch! I suppose we need to put away our pens and stationery and move into the 21st century.


John and Susan

Mary said...

Hey, this siding really looks nice! Your blog is going to be fun to follow as you live out this journey. Godspeed!

Bill R-H said...

Let's see, by now you are probably enjoying some R&R. Hope your skies are as beautiful as they are here today.

JC said...

We hope you're safely arrived on Guam when you read this, that you had a great time in Hawaii and that the trip to "where America's day begins" was not too tiring.

We look forward to your notes about the new adventure.

John and Susan

Unknown said...

Great Blog. Love seeing the pictures-especially the happy smiles- and reading about your adventures. Thanks for this great way to keep in touch.

Molly & Richard

lksteadman said...

Ben and Jane,

Bless you for finding a ministry in Guam. God makes things clear and confusing for me. I am supposed to be retired – working harder at Grace than at St. Thomas and glad of it. Glad you were able to see this ministry clearly. I know they need what you can offer!
Bishop Adams chose not to accompany the PB in her travels. “Wanted to allow the PB to get to know the people of WKS without additional influence.”
The PB's visit in WKS was nearly a triumphal tour. She saw more Episcopalians during this tour than any church leader has seen in years. Reminds me of Bishop Ashby's visits -only more. In Hutch. the PB met with clergy, vestry and friends for an hour before the luncheon at the Fair Grounds - there were over 220 people for the luncheon. The PB spoke extemporaneously for 45 minutes and then said "questions" - spent another hour fielding questions on the fly. We were reminded that the furor over the Robinson issue is barely a % of our total church ministry. However, the pain is genuine for many. She reminded us that “there is room for disagreement.” Our local news reporter, Kathy Hanks, remarked that the PB is a serene person. I wholeheartedly agree. There are pictures on episcopallife.com. One picture displaying most of the room at the fairgrounds. I am the guy with the white beard closest to the PB. If you get an email address, please reply to ldsteadman@cox.net. There are many more things to tell.
In Christ,